Special Educational Needs

Learning Support Co-ordinator (SENCO):    Mrs Alyson Wilson

“The provision for special educational needs is outstanding. The children’s needs are identified early and they are provided with effective support for both literacy and numeracy through in-class and withdrawal sessions. A strength of the provision is the quality of the teachers’ planning for all children, including those who require additional support.  

The special edcational needs so-ordinator,  provides outstanding leadership. She maintains comprehensive records for the children who require additional support with their learning, which facilitates the effective management of the identification, support and review processes.”

(Oct 2010 – Short Inspection)


Special Educational Needs within Mainstream Provision

Children with Special Educational Needs will receive individual or small group tuition appropriate to their need.  Staff will endeavour to develop self-confidence, self-respect and self-worth through achievement at the pupil’s level of ability and where possible these pupils will be taught with their peer group.  Outside agencies will be used to help with specific problems. Detailed Individual Education Plans are written for each pupil and these are reviewed in an on-going and regular basis in conjunction with parents.

Classroom assistants working with pupils who have special needs have built up knowledge and a range of skills to assist their pupils through specialist training opportunites.

We are an inclusive school, and work endlessly to meet the needs of the individual learning, priding ourselves in knowing each child personally, and tailoring teaching to meet their learning style.

Learning Support Centre at Castleroe PS - The Olive Room

We are very proud to have a newly established, purposefully designed P1 – P4 Learning Support Classroom at Castleroe, The Olive Room.  This room is led by our experienced teacher, Mrs Victoria McGinley, who is assisted by Mrs Miriam Buick and Miss Dawn Dickson.

Please get in touch to learn more about the service we provide in this facility.


Special Educational Needs

Learning Support Co-ordinator (SENCO):    Mrs Alyson Wilson

“The provision for special educational needs is outstanding. The children’s needs are identified early and they are provided with effective support for both literacy and numeracy through in-class and withdrawal sessions. A strength of the provision is the quality of the teachers’ planning for all children, including those who require additional support.  

The special edcational needs so-ordinator,  provides outstanding leadership. She maintains comprehensive records for the children who require additional support with their learning, which facilitates the effective management of the identification, support and review processes.”

(Oct 2010 – Short Inspection)


Special Educational Needs within Mainstream Provision

Children with Special Educational Needs will receive individual or small group tuition appropriate to their need.  Staff will endeavour to develop self-confidence, self-respect and self-worth through achievement at the pupil’s level of ability and where possible these pupils will be taught with their peer group.  Outside agencies will be used to help with specific problems. Detailed Individual Education Plans are written for each pupil and these are reviewed in an on-going and regular basis in conjunction with parents.

Classroom assistants working with pupils who have special needs have built up knowledge and a range of skills to assist their pupils through specialist training opportunites.

We are an inclusive school, and work endlessly to meet the needs of the individual learning, priding ourselves in knowing each child personally, and tailoring teaching to meet their learning style.

Learning Support Centre at Castleroe PS - The Olive Room

We are very proud to have a newly established, purposefully designed P1 – P4 Learning Support Classroom at Castleroe, The Olive Room.  This room is led by our experienced teacher, Mrs Victoria McGinley, who is assisted by Mrs Miriam Buick and Miss Dawn Dickson.

Please get in touch to learn more about the service we provide in this facility.


Special Educational Needs

Learning Support Co-ordinator (SENCO):    Mrs Alyson Wilson

“The provision for special educational needs is outstanding. The children’s needs are identified early and they are provided with effective support for both literacy and numeracy through in-class and withdrawal sessions. A strength of the provision is the quality of the teachers’ planning for all children, including those who require additional support.  

The special edcational needs so-ordinator,  provides outstanding leadership. She maintains comprehensive records for the children who require additional support with their learning, which facilitates the effective management of the identification, support and review processes.”

(Oct 2010 – Short Inspection)


Special Educational Needs within Mainstream Provision

Children with Special Educational Needs will receive individual or small group tuition appropriate to their need.  Staff will endeavour to develop self-confidence, self-respect and self-worth through achievement at the pupil’s level of ability and where possible these pupils will be taught with their peer group.  Outside agencies will be used to help with specific problems. Detailed Individual Education Plans are written for each pupil and these are reviewed in an on-going and regular basis in conjunction with parents.

Classroom assistants working with pupils who have special needs have built up knowledge and a range of skills to assist their pupils through specialist training opportunites.

We are an inclusive school, and work endlessly to meet the needs of the individual learning, priding ourselves in knowing each child personally, and tailoring teaching to meet their learning style.

Learning Support Centre at Castleroe PS - The Olive Room

We are very proud to have a newly established, purposefully designed P1 – P4 Learning Support Classroom at Castleroe, The Olive Room.  This room is led by our experienced teacher, Mrs Victoria McGinley, who is assisted by Mrs Miriam Buick and Miss Dawn Dickson.

Please get in touch to learn more about the service we provide in this facility.